Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Brody's Baseball Debut

Brody's Aunt Stacey got him a teeball set and now that we set it up for him, he is swinging the bat like crazy....... He likes to put other things like cups and bowls or food on the tee and hit them with a bat as well. Look out MLB we got a young one on our hands!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Say cheese!

Brody has just discovered the art of being a cheese in front of the camera!

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Lastnight we decided to have Brody put the ornaments on our tree. In the video you can see how he was more interested in throwing the golf ball ornaments all over! Now that the tree is decorated we just have to figure out how to keep him from destroying it when we are not looking!

Here is Brody showing off some of his favorite words!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

All Turkey'd Out

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone..... Today Brody got to enjoy his first Thanksgiving since last year he was still too little. He loved the stuffing and the celery sticks with peanut butter. He crashed on the way home with peanut butter all over! Today is a great day to tell all of you how thankful we are to have you in our lives...whether you are far away or just down the road, we love and appreciate all of you ! Have a wonderful day...and fill up on lots of left overs!

BCS Here we come!!!!

Thanks to our friens Chris and Katie Wheat.....we had an amazing view at the Utah game vs. BYU...... We were on the 6th row 50 yd line just behind BYU. And for those who know how crazy of a sports fan I can be, it will make sense when I tell you that I lost my voice for 3 days. This game was soooooo much fun!!! However I was really sad to miss my cousin Steve's last football game at SUU. WE LOVE YOU STEVE!!! Anyways we are hoping that we get to go to the bowl game, I dunno though! Go UTES!

Happy Halloween

This year Brody (very fitting) was a monkey. We went Trick or Treating with his cousin Braxton who was dressed up as tigger. My cousin Steve came down from Cedar City to spend the night with the two little guys. We went to Justin's boss's house and oh my heck....... did he spoil the kids. Then we went down the street to a haunted house and by this time the babies had enough! Both of them fell asleep so we went and hung out at Greg's house. Callie and I had a blast because Halloween is our favorite holiday......so we got to talk about how we should be neighbors so we could make a haunted street! Anyways we had a blast ......thanks Greg, Callie, Braxton and Steve!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cheating Wife Beater!!!!

This weekend Justin's brother Aaron brought the fam down to St. George to play. We went swimming, lots of shopping, made some pottery with the kids.....but most important we taught Abby how to play the Wii. This picture was taken past 12:30 in the morning long after the kids were asleep. Abby was so tired (after I colored her hair for her 30th B-day!!) but she was having so much fun. Aaron was cheating in baseball and was throwing the ball when Abby wasn't paying attention and then put a beat down on her in boxing.... That is why we called him the cheating wife beater. Abby is still sore from playing the Wii... A & A had to leave on sunday and Brody was sad that the kids had to go too, he loved copying Dylan and giving Kami kisses. And yes I am lame for not having more pictures to post. Abby has more...she is the better mom! Anyways we had a blast and can't wait to do it again! See y'all next week in SLC for the Halloween party!!!! Yipeeee we can't wait....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Dad's Birthday

Today is Justin's 25th Birthday......Brody was so excited to help me with his cake.

Have to read the directions first!

Gotta make sure it tastes just right!!

Can't let any batter go to waste (just like mom)

Lookin Yummy MOM!!!!


What a cute little girl!!!

Brody's new favorite thing to do is copy his MOMMY. He likes to do my makeup and put hair clips in his hair. He is always grabbing my headband and putting it on. Whether I am doing the laundry, the dishes, or playing on the computer, I always have a best friend to do it with!

Monday, September 22, 2008

SUU Games

My Cousin Steve is the kicker for the SUU Thunderbirds so Brody and I have been to the last two games at home. Steve is an amazing athlete and is ranked in the top 50 kickers in college. They have a new coach this year and are looking really good. They have had some tough opponents so far this season but Steve has done great. Brody likes to go and watch the games and the cheerleaders fly through the air. He also likes to eat everyones treats that they bring into the game. This last week our friend Lisa actually brought Brody his own treat bag. It was great. We can'twait until the next home game......Go #10!!!!

Broke Back Husband For Sell

NO....Justin isn't gay, He really has a broke back! On September 11th Juice had surgery on his back to repair a ruptured disk. His recovery has gone really well and he will be able to practice short game in 2 weeks and will be able golf in 4 weeks. We celebrated our 5 year Anniversary on the 13th and I was busy taking care of his every need, but what's new ;0) Just kidding.....I love you babe!

Swimming Lessons

Brody started Mom and Tot swim lessons on September 8th. I thought he was really going to love it, but he was more interested in doing his own thing rather than what the class was doing. The only thing that kept his attention was playing with a ball in the water. Sometimes he would throw a tantrum in class so I put a Pluto tattoo on his tummy so when he started to scream I could distract him for a second. Class was fun but I think I will wait until he is a little older for the next ones!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When I grow up....I want to be just like my Daddy!

Our little munchkin has been following in his Dad's footsteps just fine. What I mean is Brody has an obsession with shoes and he loves cookies! He has just figured out how to say shoes so whenever we are ready to leave the house he will tell me "shoes" and then he will want to pick which ones he wants to wear. Sometimes he even wants Justin's shoes. He also likes to play around and try to put Juice's hats, shirts or whatever on. It is really cute to see his little mind at work!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sand Hollw Resort Grand Opening

Finally all of Justin's hard work has paid off.....Sand Hollow opened on August 29th, and Juice really feels like a Head Pro now (all of the phome calls, email, meetings, ect.). There were some nights where Brody and I were out at the course until 1 in the morning helping get things ready. The boys did get to sneek in a few shots to cristen the range before anyone else...and they deserved to be the first! You can tell how much pride he has in the project when he gets to show people the finished product. They are in a temporary clubhouse until next year, but the course is up and running. They are already booking up in September! I know this course will be given the title of #1 course in the state very soon. It is beautiful...there are no words to descibe it.We would love for everyone to check it out http://www.sandhollowresort.com/ also please come to play as soon as possible! I have always heard people say "you can do whatever you put your mind to" I never understood the powerful meaning of these words until recently. When Justin and I lived in Arizona he made a list of lifelong goals he wanted to reach during his career as a golf professional. On that list was one task that Justin just wasn't sure he could make, but he put it anyway.......He wanted to become a Head Pro at a respected facility by the age of 25. For graduating at the age of 22, this was going to be a pretty tight fit to get in the experience just to be able to even apply for such a position. Just one month after turning 24 he was offered this position. He put in so much hard work and effort after graduation, that it was in no way, just was a coincident he stumbled accross this opprotunity. I am so proud of him and want to tell him how much I LOVE HIM..... you did it baby.....way to go!!!! Can't wait for you to shine!!!!!

Trip to the Zoo

August 7th we went to the Zoo with our cousins from New York. Jeff, Hannah and Nevaeh were in town for Brett's wedding on the 9th. Nevaeh was so cute and was so excited to see the ducks!!!! Brody could have cared less, he was outside and that's all he wanted. Jan and Rick (Jeff's mom and dad) were having a great time watching Nevaeh and Brody run wild at the zoo.We went on his first Merry-Go-Round ride and he cried when we made him get off because he liked it so much. A snowcone made it all better though! He just loved his cousin Nevaeh, they were always hugging and kissing for no reason, they were like best pals which was awesome because we only get to see them every once in a while. I will have to say that Brody's favorite part of the zoo was the big ball with water, he could have spent his whole time there and would have loved it!

Birthday Blast

On August 4th our little monster turned 1 .... I can't even believe it! He had so much fun and was so loaded up on sugar he had a hard time sleeping that night. We had a big bash on Saturday the 2nd, and thanks so much to everyone who came...you guys mean a lot to us and it was great you could be there. On Monday the 4th we went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and McDonalds for dinner.......and he was still underweight at his Dr. appointment the next day! That goes to show you how much he runs around. My mom swears he is more of a handful than my little brother Jordon, and for those know my brother well.... that means I am in deep trouble!!! Once more, thanks again to everyone for making his party great.
Oh...and P.S. Grandma Joyce, CANCER DOES SUCK!!!!! You are doing great and looking good doing it, We love you!

Zions National Park

Over the 4th of July weekend, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Diane came to visit us so we decided to make the best of it and visit Zions in the blazing heat!!!! We hiked Emerals Pools and it was awesome.....Brody took the easy way (on Dad's back) and had a blast!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Here Comes Trouble!!!!

Brody started walking the week after Fathers Day, and let me tell you....he sure thinks he is MACHO now! I will post another updated video soon, but this is a clip of when he was first learning(about one week into it). He also has a new favorite word now, "Ball" he will chase them around for hours. They are a very good distraction for him.

Our trip to Sand Hollow Resevoir

In June we went to Sand Hollow Lake
(Just accross the street from the golf course) and went fishing with my cousin Steve and his girlfriend Oakley. It was so much fun, the boys caught a couple of bass and Brody played like crazy on the shore. He was so tired but wouldn't fall asleep becuase he was too busy watching the boys cast and reel em in. Grandpa Lyle should be proud......looks like he has another fishin buddy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Arizona Trip

Ok Everyone.... I am really bad at keeping this site updated.You would think that staying home all day I would have a ton of time, but I don't.... My child is a monster! I know that it is almost July now, but here are some pictures of our trip to Arizona May 9-11. We went to our friend Will's wedding. It was so much fun to see everyone and visit some of our favorite places down there. Brody got to meet his future girlfriend Brea Justice ( Andrea and Jason Greeley's little girl), and we also got to catch up with Jackie Curry...My Arizona Mom who always took care of me while I lived far away from my family. It was a short trip that was filled with lots of stuff to do so we are hoping to get back some time next spring!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

On the Move

Brody has been pulling himself up on the furniture and walking along the couch for about a month now. He has just started to stand on his own and it will be no time before he starts walking. Justin can't wait! This is a movie of Brody eating and being silly..... the two things he is best at! ENJOY!


Sorry that I am running a little behind on the updates for our blog, having a 9 moth old exploring the house takes a lot of my time and attention. As you can see I have found a great man to help me clean around the house! He is always willing to help me whether it is folding clothes, feeding the dogs, putting away the dishes, whatever it is... he is game for it. Sometimes he is too much help. He likes to dump the dogs water dish on the floor, so that has now moved to outside. Climbing things, crawling into the garbage, hiding under stuff.......he is for sure 100% BOY. He has rightfully earned the nickname MONKEY from me. Our house use to be decorated cute, but now it is Brody proof. A lot of our decorations that were on the floor are now in the garage, but it is so much fun that I will leave them in the garage forever if he stays as silly as he is right now. The kid has so much personality that anyone he meets they just can't get enough of him. What a stud!

Brody Loves the Water

With the weather getting warmer we have been very anxious to swim at the pool and play in the sprinkler. Since the day he was born Brody has always loved baths, so it is no surprise to us that he wants to play in the water all of the time. A couple of weeks ago he was in the back yard with the sprinkler soaking him...He was having a blast. Just last weekend we went swimming in Mesquite with our good friends Jeremy and Lacie Tye (hopefully they will be having a kid soon...Lacie just loves Brody). We are looking into tot and mom swimming classes for this summer so hopefully we will have some fun new tricks by the time he turns 1. I cannot believe the time has passed so fast. Does anyone know how to freeze time? If so let me know......I want this fun stage to last forever!

Brody's 1 Year Pictures

9 Month Pictures

6 Month Family Pictures